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Get rid of fatty packs forever.... and do it in less than 6 weeks!

Most men don’t even know they have a problem with their enlarged male breasts until it starts to affect their confidence. Even then, many are too embarrassed to do something about it. The Lipo Lounge offers solutions to reduce your man boobs and help you feel more confident again.

We understand how this can be an embarrassing topic for some, which is why we offer confidential consultations with our certified staff. You don’t have to suffer any longer – click the link below to book a free consultation today.

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Does it really help me lose peck fat in men?

Patients are seeing remarkable results and can lose from inches off their chest after a 4-8 week course of treatments. Patients experience an average of 60% subcutaneous fat layer reduction!


How do these treatments work?

The first device freezes the fat cell (Lipo Freeze). A week later, the second device (Vanquish Me) hovers over the chest and heats up the fat cells to the point where they die from both procedures (apoptosis.) The third device (Z Wave) is performed after each treatment and will push the fat cell over the brink into the terminally injured phase. The pulse waves send enough shock to the cell that adds to the cold or heat injury, so the cell can not recover and eventually dies through apoptosis (cell death). These cells are then naturally eliminated by the body, and voila! A new you without any pain or discomfort.


How do I know how many treatments I need?

The doctor and staff will discuss the best treatment plan designed for you and will decide if you are a good candidate for treatments. Please refer to the BMI chart for a general ideal.

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